Yellingbo NCR - An Immersive Listening Experience
Between Two Sites ~ Public Program
Sat, 17 Jun 2023 1:00 PM
Join us for an immersive listening experience of the I Once Heard a Bird Sing installation soundtrack by Madelynne Cornish. Participants will experience the sonic richness of the Helmeted Honeyeater’s habitat at Yellingbo Nature Conservation Reserve and its surroundings with amplified senses.
A blindfold will be supplied for the event (or you may like bring your own) to provide an immersive experience of the soundscape of birds, frogs, and streams without the distraction of sight. One of the advantages of wearing the blindfold is that it creates new listening experiences that allow listeners to experience soundscape in an entirely different manner and from a different perspective.
There will be a discussion at the end to share experiences.
Please note: Wearing the blindfold is optional.

Banner image credit: Madelynne Cornish, ‘Once Heard a Bird Sing’ audio visual installation, 2023, 3D Helmeted Honeyeater: photo courtesy of Jack Cornish
Second image credit: Yellingbo Nature Conservation Reserve borderlands: photo by Madelynne Cornish