Twenty-five years ago, an extraordinary journey began in this close-knit community. Burrinja emerged as a beacon of culture, art, and togetherness, and its profound impact on the region is undeniable. This year, as we prepare to celebrate its silver anniversary, Burrinja remains deeply rooted in the community that gave it life. It’s a place where community and culture have not merely coexisted but flourished in harmony.
On Sunday, December 3rd, at 12 PM, we invite you to join us for a grand celebration, a party filled with nostalgia and hopes for the future. The event promises to be a spectacular showcase, featuring live performances, captivating art exhibitions, enriching workshops, thought-provoking speeches, and a special afternoon tea to share in the joyous occasion. But we’re not stopping at the celebration. We’re setting our sights on the future, wondering what the next 25 years might bring. It’s a moment for reflection and anticipation, a juncture where we acknowledge our past achievements and envision the possibilities ahead.
One particularly exciting facet of this celebration is the “Archiving the Future” project. Starting on December 3rd 2023 and running through late February 2024, this project, located in the Burrinja, Foyer & AERIE Galleries, delves into the heart of Burrinja’s history. It seeks to unearth the stories, both mundane and extraordinary, encapsulated within the objects and artifacts stored in the Burrinja archives. These artifacts are a testament to the experiences and connections that have woven the fabric of our community.